Yes, you can always mix print on demand products supplied by us with those from other print on demand suppliers as well as products you may stock and distribute directly. 

How does Prodigi know which items to print, and when?

Prodigi products are designed to integrate seamlessly with your Shopify store. They function just like ordinary products - so you can categorise them, place them in collections, and put them in the same basket as non-Prodigi products. The only difference is under the surface: the Shopify app automatically lets us know when a customer orders a product, so that we can set about fulfilling the order on your behalf.

Orders with multiple items

If there are other products in your orders too, don’t worry. Our system only ‘sees’ the products created and edited in Prodigi, so there’s no risk of doubling up (on our side, anyway). For this reason you should avoid editing or duplicating products and variants outside of the app, as this can lead to unfulfilled orders.